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How To Build Your Own High Performing Team

Organisations need them and leaders want them, but how do you even create a high performing team?

Well, it’s important to first understand what a high performing team is and how they’re different from an ordinary work group.

People stood talking about how to build your own high performing teams

In an ordinary work group, members tend to work independently, focus on their own objectives, distrust colleagues and not participate in decisions that affect the whole group. In contrast, a high performing team understands that both personal and team goals can be achieved with the support from others. These members also participate in decisions affecting the team whilst practicing open and honest communication.

So now that’s covered, lets look at how you can create your very own high performing team.

1. Learn about your team members

It’s important to first learn about each team member. You need to know their strengths, their weaknesses, what motivates them and what skills they possess. This will help you create a team structure and allocate necessary roles. If someone doesn’t fit their role then you’re unlikely to get the right performance out of them.

2. Set the direction

It’s essential for a high performing team to know what they’re working towards. Setting clear and achievable goals will ensure that everyone in your team is committed to the same direction. When creating a goal, you need to make clear what the team need to achieve and when they need to achieve it by. When doing this, it’s important to clarify that each team member understands the impact of their work and how it contributes towards the overall team goal.

Make sure you understand the type of goal that you’re setting. Providing your team with a challenge will increase productivity. But don’t go too far! Your team can tell if they’re set unrealistic goals and the result from this will be a low level of performance.

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3. Practice open communication

Setting goals shouldn’t be the only reason for team communication. A high performing team needs to be focused on what they need to achieve. To avoid any lapses in concentration, you must ensure that all team members are continually informed, updated and on target. Continuous individual and team meetings are a great way to not only keep everyone else informed, but to also keep yourself updated. From these meetings you’ll be able to understand the team’s performance, any concerns they have and any ideas they have. Using online platforms like Trello will also help you and your team understand what everyone is currently working on.

There also needs to be trust and transparency within a team. With no trust, you will just have a team full of individuals with no efficiency, innovation or collaboration. This brings us onto the next point…

4. Adopt an innovative and collaborative environment

Is there any point in having a team that doesn’t work with each other? Communication is not just about informing and updating team members. Everyone should be able to share ideas, information and thoughts. Centralising communications through meetings, performance boards and online platforms will help create an environment where team members can share ideas and thoughts on different projects.

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5. Recognise and reward performance

Acknowledging and rewarding performance will not just boost morale, it will also motivate your team to achieve more. A motivated team will strive for further success if they know they will be rewarded for it. There are different ways you can reward the team. This can range from verbal praise, social outings and financial rewards. It’s best to use both individual and team rewards.

6. Learn specific techniques and skills through a training course

Unfortunately, there is only so much you can learn from a blog. Receiving specialist training on this subject will provide you with the full knowledge and guidance on how to build your very own high performing team. With this in mind, our Developing High-Performing Teams training course is back. Through a combination of interactive workshops and case studies, you will obtain the tools, techniques and skills needed to develop a high performing team.

Book your place today to avoid missing out on invaluable insights.