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Empowering and Inspiring Women in STEM Careers

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." – Marie Curie, Physicist & the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Throughout history, pioneering women have successfully transformed the world we live in through science and research, breaking the boundaries of expectations and changing outdated perceptions about what women can accomplish.

However, over a century after scientist Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the above quote still rings true to many modern women building a career in the still largely male-dominated STEM industries.

So what can we do about it?

Women in science empowering other women in STEM careers

What is STEM and Why is it Important?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Widely referred to by the acronym STEM, these four academic disciplines are major contributors to the future prosperity of the UK. These are the four key drivers we must invest in and grow skills in to help the UK remain a world leader in the fields of research and technology.

The UK Government has expressed its commitment to inspiring interest in STEM subjects from school age, widely backing campaigns and initiatives to increase participation throughout the education system.

But despite the Government’s desire to grow a dynamic, innovative economy through STEM, the UK still has a long way to go when it comes to equality and fair representation in these fields.

Women in STEM is a very powerful thing. Here's a quick TED talk all about this and why it matters...

So What’s the Problem?

As of 2022, women make up just 24% of all people employed in STEM industries.

It is clear that this under-representation begins at the school level, with boys hugely outnumbering girls in core STEM subjects at the age of 16.

But why does this matter? This trend carries through from school to higher education, and eventually to the workplace.

Research into the impacts of diversity in the workplace consistently highlights the benefits of gender balance within organisations, including increased employee engagement, creativity, satisfaction and loyalty.

And What Can be Done?

Although much has been done already to encourage more women into STEM, the workplace environment for those already employed in the industry can prove challenging.

As a female working in a male-dominated environment, issues such as discrimination, gender pay gaps and a “macho culture” are often factors that drive women out of STEM careers, leading to a high turnover of female staff.

As a result of this, women are increasingly seeking support and buy-in from their organisations to improve workplace equality through the provision of adequate training and progression opportunities.

In response to this demand, many organisations are launching dedicated Women in Leadership programmes to support and empower women’s professional development.

How Can We Help?

In response to this training and wider society's need, we have continuously updated our CPD-certified Confident Communication for Women in the Workplace training course over the years to help women improve their assertiveness, communication and leadership skills in the workplace. 

So far this has been one of our most popular open courses. Allowing us to proudly say that we've helped hundreds of public sector professionals become more confident in the workplace and place more women into the leadership roles they deserve.

Want to Find out More?

Let's bridge the gender gap in STEM careers together. Learn more about our Confident Communication for Women in the Workplace training course and what it can do for you. Read the full agenda and book your place here